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On the left side is the main menu:

  • general information on the portfolio;
  • transactions;
  • portfolio return and commissions;
  • investment ideas;
  • news;
  • ask a Question.

General information about portfolio

This page displays basic information summarizing the portfolio. Here are the breakdowns that allow visually assess the structure of the portfolio according to various indicators - on the type of instrument; currencies; countries and other indicators. Clicking on any bar graph break-up, the list of securities, which make up the parameter, opens.

Also, the value of the net assets, cash balances in different currencies is displayed here. Available graph showing the historical performance of NAV. The Overview page also has information about the volatility of the portfolio, total exposure, and expected coupon payments. You can see the detailed schedule of coupon payments, by clicking on the column.

Subsection portfolio assets is a report on the general state of the portfolio. Here you can see all the instruments in the portfolio for a specific date, displays their current market value. In addition, you can see the profit/loss for each item. Moreover, for each position you can set an alert on a specific percentage change in price relative to the current market value. Edit and remove alerts, use the general information about the portfolio.

Subsection Simulation makes it possible to add virtual instruments in the portfolio and see how it changes the structure of the portfolio, its main indicators, as well as necessary funds for the purchase of an instrument.


The Transaction section shows all the cash flows. It is available to sort transactions by type and currency. If necessary, you can see the money transfers directly associated with the purchase/sale of instruments.

Investment ideas

Ideas section gives an indication of our investment strategies, providing trading ideas for specific instruments. Ideas are divided into groups based on instrument types. Every idea has a short description, the basic parameters of the instrument and the price chart. Herein it is available to customize the monitoring of the instrument’s price.

All instruments have a similar page with price chart, the main indicators and a short description. You can get there by clicking on the name of the instrument (for example, in reports or coupon payment table).

The return of the portfolio and commissions

In this section, you can find information on portfolio returns and commission. Here you can see the historical return and profitability at certain time periods. Commission break-up and detailed information about management fees (commissions and sub performance fee) are also available in this section.